The police in Benin City, Edo State on Tuesday found a dead two year old boy in a “Ghana must go” bag in possession of the dead child’s father, police said in Benin yesterday. Two-year-old Master Comfort Effiong was allegedly poisoned over allegations of witchcraft, by his own father who was intercepted by the police at a check point in the city.
The body of the child was discovered in possession of his father, Mr. John Effiong, 32, and two others along the Benin – Abraka axis of the city. It was gathered that the child was last Tuesday fed with a plate of poisoned rice. The father, it was alleged, collaborated with his wife to take their son’s life in reaction to a prophecy that the child was a wizard who was attempting to harm his pregnant mother.
Though one John Okoh and Pastor Aniekan Achiobong have been arrested for complicity, the alleged prophet, Ini Monday of the Caretaker Light of God Church, 8, Uyi Street, off Goody Good day Street, Upper Sakponba Road, Benin City has been declared wanted by the police. The spokesman, Edo Police Command, ASP Peter Ogboi, who confirmed the incident advised members of the public to be mindful of prophecies. According to him, the police have spread their search to arrest the fleeing prophet while the victim’s father and two others now in police net would be charged for murder.
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